Stress is an inevitable part of life. When the total amount of stress you experience exceeds your ability to cope with it, stress wreaks havoc on your health. Stress management can be a difficult change to make. With small tweaks and adjustments, you can give yourself the time you need to cope and heal from the damage stress does to our bodies and minds.
Some ways to minimize the impact of stress include:
Reduction in exposure to physiological or psychological stress
Mitigate the harmful effects of the stress you can’t avoid
Breathing techniques for handling stress daily
Adopt strategies for stress management
Bodies will provide you with tools and resources to reduce the amount of stress you experience, assist you in changing thought patterns and perceptions of stress, find options for stress management that work for you and your life, and of course, help you make SLEEP a priority. Movement, light exposure, nutrition, stimulant consumption, meditation practice, outdoor time and play (yes, PLAY!) all play an important role in stress management. We will give you what you need to make small changes that will give your stress load a big overhaul.
TRUTH: I used to hold on to my stress so hard until I had to eat a whole pie to let that ish go. My body was like a box of rocks. I found meditation and it moved the needle for me. I want to walk with you through learning how to find more zen in your life.
Beauty, Alcohol, Vulnerability, Growth — What if we’re wrong about everything?
My friend and guest writer Beth Kelly explores thoughts around alcohol consumption, societal norms, self-love and growth. She has a fantastic gift of turning a perspective and pushing you to look from a different angle. And, always, asks the hard questions to get to the root of an issue.
How to Stand Up for Yourself
Tips to stand up for yourself:
Be transparent and authentic. Expressing yourself openly and honestly is a powerful practice. Remain calm. If we get defensive and reactive, we tend to speak from fear rather than our power. Start with clarifying questions. Calmly explain where you are coming from to gain understanding. Be straightforward. Own your feelings. Practice being assertive.
What Do You Fear?
Fear doesn’t prevent death. Fear prevents life. A choice based on fear leads to consequences lacking from growth. Fear does have a place in life. Fear is meant to protect us from harm. Where fear prevents life, is when we habitually dwell on the worst that could happen, and live according to that scenario.
Detox (It’s Not What you Think…)
What is a ‘limiting belief?’ It’s a belief that holds us back. It’s something we’ve made up, created a story around during a stressful time in our lives. We tell ourselves this story, we end up believing it, and it’s like it happened when it didn’t. Limiting beliefs are those which constrain us in some way.