Chakras Part III


Welcome to Part Three of the three-part series on Chakras. This series of three posts will wrap up with our final 2 chakras, what issues may relate to their imbalance, and some tips for holistically restoring balance within that chakra. Thank you to The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda by Sahara Rose Ketabi for collecting this information and printing it in an easy to follow guide. Let’s continue learning with a focus on the third eye and crown chakras, followed by a recap of each of the chakras controlling capacity.


Third Eye Chakra (Color: Dark blue/Indigo)

This chakra is in the center of your forehead. It is your intuitive self, and helps you to perceive things and lets you know what you need to do. It is your inner wisdom, imagination, dream center, and psychic vision. When activated, you are perceptive and wise and manifest your desires. Meditation may come naturally.

When this chakra is out of balance, you can’t remember dreams, you make poor decisions and can’t read people or bad situations. You become part of the rat race, materialistic, and don’t seek to serve the world. Your imagination may be lacking and you watch tv for entertainment. This can present as headaches, sinus infections or nasal congestion- even night blindness.

To restore balance in the third eye chakra:

Write your dreams upon waking

Meditate just before bed and first thing when you wake up

Do visualizations

Express yourself through art or music

Use sandalwood, jasmine or cedar-wood oil

Touch labradorite or amethyst crystals


Crown Chakra (Color: Purple)

This chakra is on the top of your head. It connects you to the energy of the universe from just above your physical body, and is often symbolized by the lotus flower. When activated, you may feel a deep sense of peace and gratitude throughout your entire being. This chakra is in charge of learning, spirituality, seeing the big picture, enlightenment, oneness and your higher self. The quest for knowledge is part of the crown chakra. It is who you are in your soul, beneath your personality and physical body. It connects your soul to others as all humans want love, connection, freedom, security, and purpose.

As all seven chakras open, you are closer to enlightenment. Enlightenment is the realization that you are a soul having a human experience and are on earth for a greater purpose: to help others with the gifts God gave you.

To reach self-actualization, you must be willing to work to release fears, anger, jealousy and other emotions that hold you back. You must be able to look at yourself without judgment, and see who you truly are in order to grow.

When out of balance or blocked, you may feel out of touch with God/divinity. You may feel worthless or depressed, lacking inspiration and purpose. Your soul is not ignited with a purpose to serve others.

To restore balance in the crown chakra:

Continue to learn about yourself and the world

Get curious

Meditate daily

Practice mindfulness

Let go of unnecessary things and beliefs

Spend time in nature

Practice time in silence


Notice beauty around you

Use rose, lavender, or lemon oil

Touch a white quartz crystal

Realize life is happening for you

Take a few minutes to sit and meditate on your third eye and crown chakras at separate times. As you do, ask: What is your body telling you about the energy you hold in these spaces? Which of these holistic healing modalities feels like it could bring you closer to restoring balance in these chakras?


Let’s review what we have learned from this series on chakras.

Important things to understand about your chakras:

You have seven energy centers (chakras) and they each correspond to an area of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The root chakra is in charge of survival.

The sacral chakra relates to sexuality.

The solar plexus chakra holds your power.

The heart chakra enables you to give and receive love.

The third eye chakra connects you with intuition.

The crown chakra is your relationship with the higher power, universe, God.

Balanced chakras help you experience enlightenment.

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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Chakras Part II