A Healing Reset Retreat

Welcome party followed by opening circle

I recently hosted another Women’s Wellness Retreat in Scottsdale, AZ. As I look back at what we experienced, the expressions that participants shared, and what each of us are taking home with us, several important truths surface around the practices that healed us.


1.     Vulnerability heals. Vulnerability is crucial for meaningful relationships. We were born with a need to connect and a sense of belonging. Vulnerability is key to building trust and creating intimacy within a small group. Sharing and connection over what is often a painful past or present, increases our own self-worth, and enables us to overcome those painful feelings. We then become aware of what we might want to change and we are in a position where we are open to grow. When one woman opens up, others feel safe to share. It is beautiful to watch and transformative to experience. With every woman sharing her heart, there were others nodding and sharing, “me too.”

2.     Self-Love heals. Self-love was the retreat theme. We opened up to deepening our love of self, in order to be able to love others more. Loving ourselves more enables us to free ourselves from comparisons. Upon reviewing our itinerary, I asked the participants to ask themselves the question before each offering: “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” And if the answer was to participate (in yoga, hike, meditation, etc.) then go. If it felt more loving to nap, I wanted them to nap! Loving yourself allows you to live in alignment with your own values, not those around you. Self-love also increases confidence, resilience, and helps you maintain healthy boundaries and relationships. It is a critical piece to happiness!

3.     Nature heals. When you step outside mindfully, breathing deepens. Once we get connected to the parasympathetic nervous system, stress levels decrease. Studies show that walking outside, we experience less anxiety and rumination, and more positive emotions. Nature can help us to become more focused and increase our creativity. It is possible that nature helps us be kinder and more generous, and most everyone reports that time in nature makes them “feel more alive.” And our friend the sun gives us that boost of serotonin we need to give us more energy, keep us calm, positive, and focused.

A hike was one of many workouts

4.     Creativity heals. I’ve focused on incorporating a creative element into retreats because of its many benefits. As we began our creative play, you could see shoulders drop, breathing slow down, and smiles grow. The stress began to melt and the joy and laughter increased. Creativity increases confidence and improves self-expression by communicating our insides in a unique way. There is a feeling of accomplishment that accompanies creative work, and a self-appreciation at the end of a creative endeavor.

5.     Movement heals. Participants come to a wellness retreat knowing they are going to move their bodies, but it may not occur just how medicinal movement is. Movement is a way to move through our feelings. Yoga is more than stretching, its connecting to our breath and body. Dance also opens our bodies to freely express what we are feeling. Any movement can shift our mindset. Swimming, a tough workout, stretching… any way we get up and move has the power to transform what is in our bodies and our minds. Movement is especially important for healing trauma. Building strength in your body develops a sense of trust in yourself. Movement makes people resilient physically, mentally and emotionally.

Daily meditations and yoga

6.     Connection heals. Just as oxytocin bonds a baby to their parents, oxytocin helps to connect us to our squad. Seeking new social situations can be intimidating, but the healing that comes from connection makes connecting vital for growth and rich experiences. Trying to heal solo might be equated to trying to hike a trail without shoes. Maybe you could, but it would be painful and take much longer! This retreat created just the environment needed for deep and meaningful connections to form with fun acitivites, meals, movement, sunshine, art, and building blocks to promote greater self-love.

WILDLY fun evening of dance!

7.     Meditation heals. Our group practiced daily meditations together. A meditation practice has the power transform your life. According to cardiologist Herbert Benson, M.D. of Harvard Medical School, “The relaxation response [from meditation] helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart rate, breathing, and brain waves.” We focus on the tension leaving our bodies as we begin our meditation to fully relax. Numerous studies report meditation improving attention, memory, and mindfulness.


While so much of our experience can never be fully captured in words, my hope is to express the joy, tenderness, empowering, and life-enriching bond we had together. Your people will be so glad you took this time for yourself when you come back refreshed, energized, and with your love-cup overflowing!


Please contact me to plan your next women’s retreat. You will come home with a full heart, a calm mind, and an energized body. I cannot WAIT to share this experience with you! YOU DESERVE IT!!!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.


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