A solid routine fosters a well-worn groove for one's mental energies and helps stave off the tyranny of moods. Having a routine can be helpful in times of unpredictability, uncertainty, and stress. Setting a daily routine creates structure, helps us reach our goals and reduces procrastination. says, “The real power in routines is the way they can help us build momentum, break bad habits, prioritize our lives and make us more efficient.”

Productivity guru, author and experimenter extraordinaire Tim Ferris has five morning rituals to get him into a productive state of mind: making his bed, meditating, exercise, drinking tea, and journaling. Jay Shetty, author of Think Like a Monk, starts his day with gratitude journaling, reading something insightful, meditation, and exercise. (Both of these authors have podcasts I highly recommend.)

The morning routine is a great place to start. Ask yourself, “What could I do each morning to set myself up to have a better day?” Start with adding just one element, such as drinking a tall glass of water before coffee. Do it for about three weeks to a month, and then add your next element for the following month.

Remember when we spoke about writing your obituary? Knowing the things you want others to think and say about you should help you establish your routines.

Want to be thought of as generous? Establish a routine where you give regularly. Maybe pay for someone else’s meal every month when you go out as a family.

Want to be considered healthy? Create healthy routines around your eating, sleeping, exercise, and stress management.

Want others to consider you kind, loving, and caring? Figure out ways to make others feel good when they are around you. Speak with kindness. Ask people how they’re doing. Remember what’s going on in their lives. Check in on them when they come to mind.

Maybe you just want to have nice skin? What are your routines around sunscreen, facials, daily washing, retinol, collagen, exfoliation, masks, Vitamin C, D, E…. AAAH?!? Skincare!!!

One statement Shetty wrote that resonates acutely, “Time has memory, and location has energy.” The time around routine is important, because when you institute your routine at the same time each day, it helps to more deeply, naturally establish a pattern, such as with morning and bedtime routines. Location can also create this uniform consistency around routine. When you have personal spaces that are devoted to a single purpose, distraction minimizes and energy maximizes. Your mind adheres to the energetic pattern behind the thought associated with the space. “This is where I exercise. This is where I meditate. This is where I eat.” Having dedicated spaces for these activities enriches the experience, the focus, and the ability to keep consistent.

Packed with self-improvement strategies, Atomic Habits will teach you how to make the small changes that will transform your habits and deliver remarkable results. I loved James Clear’s instructions around habit-stacking and routines. Clear states that habits (used here synonymously with routine) are created based on repetition and frequency. Start small, get one habit well established, and build on incrementally. Habit-stacking, such as cleaning your toilet while you wait for your shower water to warm, is an easy way to establish a lasting routine that may make your feel better about your cleaning habits (and unexpected guests!)

Another suggestion around building routines from Shetty is getting a jumpstart with an immersive experience. For example, you want to start a meditation practice but you’re feeling unsure about it? Immerse yourself in meditation with a meditation retreat. Once you come home, you’ll have the energy and experiential knowledge built up in order to establish a lasting routine. Want to be more creative? Take a painting class and let that energy continue to flow at home once the course has ended. Want to establish a routine of generosity? Try giving away something every day for 30 days. Immersion can be a great jumpstart tool for routines.

I’d love to hear from you around what tips, tricks, or hacks you have to develop a new routine. What has brought you to most success in becoming the person you love to be?

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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