Regrouping For a New Year

Regrouping for a New Year

If you are one of the lucky few for whom 2020 was the best year ever, kiss my…. face. Yeah, my face! No, GOOD FOR YOU, you lucky goose! However, if you know me or have followed our family’s journey on social, you may know that 2020 threw us some major screwballs that were curvier than a Kardashian's butt. The biggest two for me were 1. Taking my fitness business online. 2. Moving away from beautiful, colorful Colorado to the land of enchantment, New Mexico. 

The balance we had found with online school, training and working from home, finishing up my ADAPT Functional Health Coaching course curriculum and practicum, just life Fresh Prince, “my life got twist-turned upside down!” Downsizing to a rental cabin, knowing almost no one, living in a wildly different type of community, has shaken me up like a dirty martini! With no blue cheese olives!?

Maybe you’re like the millions of others who found more snacking and less moving while in lockdown, and you’re in worse shape than when the year started. It is A-OK, sister! You are not alone, and you can get back to where you want to be! Get ready to refocus, create your plan, and take steps to reclaim the wellness you want to see. 

Let’s get it done in 2021!

Start with your morning routine. I’m a COLLOSSAL fan of using the early morning hours for mindset. I start with meditation, journaling, and coffee. Personally, I love the Calm app and its guided meditations. I need that lady to remind me to stop thinking about my to-do list and to refocus on my breath. She’s such a sweet muffin. With my best friend the journal, I have a routine too. I start with my mantra. “Money comes easy to me. I love helping thousands of women achieve their optimal health. My coaching business has a long waitlist. Work is fun.” And I repeat this mantra several times. I write the qualities I want to believe in myself. And I write out many things I’m feeling grateful for. Practicing gratitude is fantastic for reducing stress and boosting motivation.

Let’s get it done in 2021!

I have also started BMSU (Business Made Simple University) online courses. The first course is a journey through a process of planning to reach my goals. It starts by writing my obituary and what I’d like people to say about me and what I accomplished in my life. When I read this each morning, it puts me in the mindset of remembering who I am, what I have and want to accomplish, my desires to use my gifts and serve others for the Highest Good, and the why behind my goals. I completely enjoy the process of reading this each morning and getting my mindset right!

Let’s get it done in 2021!

I love to move my body most mornings. The energy it brings to have my blood pumping and getting sweaty, sets me up for a more energized and focused day. My husband hates working out in the morning, but I know many of us need that morning sweat sesh to set ourselves up for stellar success.

Let’s get it done in 2021!

One other goal I have for incorporating more movement and life into this new year is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). This is a fancy way to say movement outside of doing exercise. If you read my blog on how sitting is killing us, or my blog on incorporating more movement into your day, you know how important it is to get extra movement in daily, outside of your hour of exercise. I have decided to make it a goal to be outside for at least an hour each day. That can be anything from snowboarding on the mountain to walking the dog on a hike through the woods. The benefits are plentiful, and I hope you’ll join me in my plan to….


Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.

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