What to Eat for Healthy Skin

What to Eat for Healthy Skin

What’s up with winter skin? So dry! So crackly? Just me? Someone grab Mamma the coconut oil, please! If you’re wondering what else you can do to relieve the dry, wrinkly, ashy winter skin, read on. 

Now you know you are what you eat, so if you want your skin to be less like an Oreo and more like an avocado, consider eating more avocados! Through my ADAPT coursework, we took a deep dive into nutrients that have the most impact on the skin, what they do in the body that affects the skin, and which foods include those vitamins. So let’s take a deep dive into your pores (no gross!) into this information so you know what you should be eating to keep you from turning into Mrs. Havisham, minus the wedding dress.

Sunscreen. Ok, not a vitamin, but you need to put it on daily. BRB!

Omega-3 fats- This fatty acid found in plants can reduce harmful effects of UV rays, pollution, and smoking. Found in: pumpkin seeds, salmon, tuna, sardines.

Vitamin C- This antioxidant zaps free radicals and assists in collagen production. It also protects again UV damage and keeps skin hydrated. Found in: Kiwi, blueberries, citrus, red peppers, parsley, strawberries, broccoli.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin- Helps with your skin tone and the fat increases absorption of Vitamins A, D, E & K. Found in: dark leafy greens, green peas, summer squash, AVOCADOS! YUM!

Probiotics- Helps with sagging skin, increases hydration, helps with oxidative stress and decreases inflammation. Found in: yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut.

Polyphenols- Especially for skin with acne, it decreases the oil the body makes. It increases DNA repair and decreases fine lines. Found in: Green Tea, artichokes, chicory, red onions.

Water- For a healthy glow and to decrease dry skin, make sure you get in your recommended ounces each day. If you prefer to eat your water, found in: watermelon, cucumber, celery.

Selenium- Allows proper function of glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, may be protective against skin cancer. Found in: organ meats, fish, Brazil nuts.

Vitamin K2- Prevents calcification of elastin (keeps your skin “springy” yay!) and may prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Slather me some K2. Found in: grass-fed dairy (NOT in grain-fed), ghee, egg yolks, natto, sauerkraut.

Sulfur- Helps with collagen stabilization and a lack increases wrinkles (but don’t fart on me). Found in: eggs, meat, poultry, fish.

Vitamin E- Has anti-inflammatory properties. It also defends off free radicals. 

Found in: vegetable oils, avocado oil, spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, collards, asparagus, kale. 

COQ10- Increases healthy cell growth and also decreases free radicals. It may smooth fine lines. Your levels decline once you are in your mid-thirties. Boo! Poor diet and stress also decrease COQ10. Found in: Salmon, herring, tuna, sardines.

We know antioxidants are important for healthy skin. One fabulous source is dark chocolate. Yes, you should probably drop what you’re doing and go grab some. Important note: look for 70% or greater Cacao content. 

And if you’ve been a BCB reader for long, this last tidbit may not be surprising. Our skin is our largest organ and deeply affected by what’s going on inside the body. This means not only what you eat is important, your sleep is important to your skin. Your stress management is important to your skin. Your body staying active is important to your skin. And don’t smoke. Please. Ew.

Let’s go fill our plates with these nutritious and delicious foods, (organ meats, yes!) and watch us GLOOOOW, like a lightbulb!

Well Played Wellness

Well Played Wellness incorporates play into wellness through women’s retreats and 1:1 functional health coaching.


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